The Hawaiʻi Review of Books

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Midnight, Water City

Long known for his gritty local-to-the-bone stories of the collision between Hawai‘i's dispossessed and its cynical powers that be, McKinney returns after the drug-fueled Yakadoshi Age of Calamity with his first sci-fi novel and first original book by a Mainland publishing house: renowned indie Soho Press.

But while Midnight, Water City may be set in the far future, there's a definite Hawai‘i vibe and a unique mix of dystopia and utopia that will feel familiar. And, of course, a bitterly disillusioned private detective with blood on his hands and a mind-bending crime on his mind: solving the murder of the scientist who saved Earth.

Acclaimed by Kirkus Reviews and Publishers Weekly. Due in mid-July. Order now.
Look for the forthcoming excerpt in The Hawai‘i Review of Books.

Banner image by Cheng Feng.